Public Company Governance Best Practices Lowers Risk and Increases Results


Governance practices for a public company are crucial to ensuring transparency, accountability, and long-term success. Here are some key practices, accompanied by some relevant statistics: 1. Strong Board Composition and Structure Diversity: Boards with diverse members in terms of gender, ethnicity, and skills tend to perform better. Companies with diverse boards see a 15% higher […]

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What To Look For When Purchasing Insurance For Your Business

Insurance For Your Business

Organizations rely upon business insurance to protect them from the risks and potential threats to their successful and continued operation. Below, we have listed and explain eight common types of insurance for your business. A licensed, reputable broker like KMRD Partners can help you choose the right insurances for your business by determining which coverages meet […]

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Do You Have A Flood Recovery Plan In Place for Hurricane Season?

2016 Atlantic Hurricane Season begins today – Do you have your flood recovery plan steps in place? The 2016 Atlantic Hurricane Season begins today, with meteorologists forecasting a more active than usual hurricane season, partly due to the expected end of the El Niño weather pattern in the next few months. Meteorologists at AccuWeather, a private […]

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Risks Ahead. Property Damage Due to Extreme Weather

According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, 2015 was the second hottest year on record in the 48 states.  10 extreme weather and climate events together accounted for over $10 billion in property damages.  2015 was also the 19th straight year the annual average temperature exceeded the 20th century average.  2016 could be even […]

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New Flood Insurance Tool Available in Pennsylvania

With April showers on the way, it is worth noting although flood and sewer back-up is excluded under most standard commercial property policies, both coverages can be added by endorsement. Depending upon the flood zone identified on the property, coverage is available on a primary basis through a number of carriers. In instances where property […]

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Food Product Recall Risk Transference

Quick Quiz: What do baby spinach, raw cashew pieces, barbecue sauce, fish batter mix, marzipan, ice cream, packaged salads, dried kiwi and mango and gourmet bread pudding have in common? These products, and more importantly the businesses which manufacture and distribute them, have all experienced market recalls since January 1.  We are only 75 days […]

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Risks Ahead. Disaster Recovery Planning

These four strategies can help support staff and address human resources concerns in the event of a disaster. Implement disaster preparedness plans that cover all contingencies. Communicate plans to all employees before disaster strikes, while ensuring they are trained to respond quickly and properly. Anticipate both personal and professional impact a disaster will have on […]

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Winter Risks Ahead. Winter begins in two weeks, and with it come these risks

Winter risks

From 1994 – 2013 insured winter storm catastrophe losses totaled more than $1 billion a year on average. Approximately 23% of vehicle crashes each year – nearly 1,312,000 – are weather related. 17% occur during snow or sleet. Water damage and freezing account for almost 22% of homeowners insurance claims, with an average of $4,024 […]

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Flood Insurance – South Carolina’s flooding reinforces the importance of planning

Although Hurricane Joaquin bypassed land, another storm provided enough tropical for  what South Carolina officials have called a 1 in 1,000 year storm. More than 18 inches of rain in roughly 24 hours fell in the state, leading to severe flooding. Charleston got nearly one foot of rain on Saturday.  It has been estimated 11 […]

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Risks Ahead. Did you know?… Catastrophe risk

Risks Ahead. Call KMRD

“The frequency of catastrophic events appears to be increasing, with a record number of catastrophes last year,” according to Swiss Re’s chief economist. 1. A record 189 natural catastrophes were recorded in 2014. 2. The most costly insured catastrophe loss in 2014 came from lightning and hailstorms in the United States in May, resulting in […]

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