Public Company Governance Best Practices Lowers Risk and Increases Results


Governance practices for a public company are crucial to ensuring transparency, accountability, and long-term success. Here are some key practices, accompanied by some relevant statistics: 1. Strong Board Composition and Structure Diversity: Boards with diverse members in terms of gender, ethnicity, and skills tend to perform better. Companies with diverse boards see a 15% higher […]

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Navigating the Changing Landscape of Cyber Insurance Webinar Recording

Cyber Liability Insurance

For those who missed our webinar on “Navigating the Changing Landscape of Cyber Insurance”, here is a recording! Our experts discuss the rapidly changing cyber insurance market and provides attendees with the framework needed to meet new cyber insurance compliance requirements. Bob will be joined by URS’s Robert Pignataro (Co-Founder & President) and Bill White […]

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Social Engineering Explainer: Webinar Recap with Video and Text Option

On January 29, 2020, Ankura Consulting and KMRD Partners partnered to host a free webinar on how social engineering. Watch the webinar as Brian Heun and Clay Blankenship explain how cybercriminals use social engineering to manipulate employees into divulging sensitive information and how organizations can protect employees and secure assets from cyber attacks. You can watch a […]

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Social Engineering and How To Protect Your Computer From Hackers, Viruses, and Spies

protect your computer from hackers

While Social Engineering may sound like a way to encourage people to mingle at a dinner party, it is actually a devious plot created by hackers and spies to infiltrate your computer and business networks through a number of nefarious tactics, including the following: Phishing Chances are you’ve been the target of a phishing attack […]

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Social Engineering Webinar: How Criminals Exploit Human Behavior and How to Protect Your Enterprise

Social Engineering Webinar KMRD 2

Social engineering is the art of exploiting human psychology to gain access to buildings, systems or data. Join us for this free webinar to learn how social engineering works and what to do to protect employees and your enterprise. Join top risk management and cyber insurance experts for an interactive discussion on how to protect […]

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Cyber Risk Transfer: Can you transfer your cyber / privacy risk contractually?

cyber risk transfer

With the advent of more frequent privacy breaches, sophisticated companies are trying to push risk contractually to their vendors and even their clients. Reading a cloud hosting contract or other cloud software platform agreement, this cyber risk transfer trend is evident. Questions about cyber risk transfer which need answers – 1 – Can organizations obtain additional […]

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Cybersecurity Starts In The Workplace; Here’s How to Reduce The Risk

cybersecurity risk

According to research sponsored by International Data Corporation (IDC), businesses worldwide will spend more than $100 billion on cybersecurity software, services and hardware in 2020. Of this amount, IDC estimates one-third will be spent by businesses in the United States. To a certain degree, fear is driving this financial commitment. No management team wishes to […]

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