Tornado Risk – Lost and found in Joplin

KMRD - Are You Ready For One Minute From Normal?

A now famous tornado ripped through Joplin, MO at a speed exceeding 198 mph. While this tornado was just one of 68 tornadoes reported across seven Midwestern states over the weekend, this unscheduled event has seized the attention of the country. As of Tuesday morning, 117 people were reported killed.  The NY Times is indicating […]

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Floods, tornadoes and risk management

As you read this e-mail, communities from Memphis to New Orleans are coping with the effects of the rising Mississippi River. In Missouri more than 130,000 acres of agricultural land have been flooded. Because the flooding is expected to continue until the end of May, it is impossible to put a price tag on damages. […]

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Caution – A tsunami of risk ahead

KMRD - Are You Ready For One Minute From Normal?

The Japanese earthquake and tsunami have served to remind us how quickly routine and order can be knocked violently aside one minute from normal. Even the Japanese people, who had prepared for this one minute from normal event with strict building codes and advanced warning systems, have been working feverishly to catch up with one […]

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Disaster Recovery – Fire caused an $8 million property loss

KMRD - Are You Ready For One Minute From Normal?

After successfully running its business without incident for more than 30 years, one minute from normal this manufacturer of electrical products had to determine if it was ready. Disaster Recovery was now a real issue. The company manufactured specific niche products and maintained a limited and specialized pool of loyal clients. One evening after business […]

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Disaster Planning

Disaster Planning

Disaster planning is important for all businesses, but it may be even more important for small businesses. With limited resources to fall back upon, small businesses must have a plan in place before disaster strikes. David Paulison, former Executive Director of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, estimates that 40% – 60% of small businesses that […]

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Emergency planning advice and help for businesses

KMRD Are You Ready for One Minute From Normal?

A business was established by the U.S. government to help organizations get ready by offering emergency planning advice, including a range of publications and support materials. To remain in business in the event of an emergency, this federal agency recommends that organizations begin with a plan.   “Business continuity planning must account for all hazards […]

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