Public Company Governance Best Practices Lowers Risk and Increases Results


Governance practices for a public company are crucial to ensuring transparency, accountability, and long-term success. Here are some key practices, accompanied by some relevant statistics: 1. Strong Board Composition and Structure Diversity: Boards with diverse members in terms of gender, ethnicity, and skills tend to perform better. Companies with diverse boards see a 15% higher […]

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Nonprofit Insurance Needs

List of nonprofit insurances and a nonprofit insurance checklist

Nonprofits face a broad array of risks. Securing the proper insurance coverage is vital to protect the people and assets that support the organization in fulfilling their mission. There are many challenges nonprofits of all sizes must face associated with operations, fundraising, public relations, volunteers, and more. There are several types of nonprofit insurance policies […]

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An Enterprise Risk Management Approach to Establishing Whether to Purchase Pollution Insurance

Many companies can have potential exposure to pollution related incidents. To understand your company’s specific needs for pollution liability insurance coverage, this article includes 10 situations to help identify potential pollution-related exposures. Before reviewing these situations, though, take a look at this 5-step program to help management teams identify and remediate the full spectrum of […]

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What to Look For In An Outsourced Risk Management Team

The risk management process is the deliberate and methodical identification, measurement and prioritization of risks resulting from unplanned events. This process is paired with the application of resources to minimize, monitor and control the probability and/or impact of events that can range from the sudden death of a key person to the loss of a warehouse and […]

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2021 Health Care Trends

By Chris Van Buren, Partner WARRINGTON, PA, October 14, 2021 – The US Health Care system has been strained and stressed due to the pandemic. However, silver linings have emerged. A bright prospect was the push that accelerated change in areas where they were most needed; virtual care (telemedicine), mental health and better primary care. In […]

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2020: A Year Of Continued Growth For KMRD Despite COVID-19 Pandemic

Best Risk Management Firm 2020

Despite the lockdowns and preventative measures implemented across the nation from the COVID-19 pandemic, KMRD continued to experience double-digit revenue growth, hire even more talented people – and win a few awards along the way. Let’s face it, 2020 was rough by any standard – a year of unprecedented events. A new pandemic raged. Most […]

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Basic Ergonomic Tips For Working From Home During COVID-19

ergonomic tips

The sudden changes in our working habits due to COVID-19 have triggered a host of maladies – the most common types being advanced neck and back pain. Poor ergonomics in the workspace can contribute to muscle strain, muscle imbalances, and fatigue, and studies show there are more than 380,600 cases of ergonomic injuries each year. […]

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COVID-19 Resource Center

KMRD’s COVID-19 Resources page is your go-to resource for the latest updates and insights on the coronavirus pandemic. Check back frequently for the latest information, helpful insights, and articles that may help you navigate this rapidly evolving situation. KMRD CLIENTS – Please read our COVID-19 FAQ How KMRD is Responding As the situation with coronavirus […]

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Social Engineering Webinar: How Criminals Exploit Human Behavior and How to Protect Your Enterprise

Social Engineering Webinar KMRD 2

Social engineering is the art of exploiting human psychology to gain access to buildings, systems or data. Join us for this free webinar to learn how social engineering works and what to do to protect employees and your enterprise. Join top risk management and cyber insurance experts for an interactive discussion on how to protect […]

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