KMRD’s Employee Background Checking Service

KMRD Background Checks

KMRD’s Employee Background Checking Service

Because hiring can be the most important activity undertaken by a company, KMRD Partners has partnered with Global HR Research (“GHRR”) to offer a background checking service to our clients. To learn more, click here  or visit our Client Access Center.

Here is how the service works: Simply provide your contact and business information on GHRR’s website, accept the terms and conditions and click submit. Once you click submit, GHRR will verify your business information and call you to confirm once you are set up so you can begin ordering background checks including MVRs, drug screens, etc.

While background checks are a critically important hiring tool, it is equally important to observe all federal regulations when conducting them. Otherwise, your firm could be caught up in an expensive defense against charges brought by the employee or federal government. By working with a reputable firm like GHRR, you can obtain the benefits of background checking while avoiding these risks.

Contact your KMRD Partners customer service representative to learn more about this new service being made available to KMRD clients.

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We are dedicated to the mitigation of risk, safety and loss control and claims advocacy, while helping firms recover from unplanned events that wait on the other side of one minute from normal.

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