Business Auto – Interlock Devices Save Lives

Business Auto – Interlock Devices Save Lives

Current ignition interlock technology prevents a vehicle from being started if a driver’s breath registers a certain amount of alcohol. The devices have been used since the 1960s, and in recent years some states have mandated their use for convicted drunk drivers. Future technology could use biometric readings via fingerprint or infrared breath analysis.

Support to expand the use of interlock technology is compelling. Installing technology prevents drunk drivers from starting a vehicle and could save 59,000 lives and $343 million over 15 years, according to a University of Michigan study. Cost savings from the technology’s widespread use could outweigh the expense of the devices after three years. Current devices are available only as after-market equipment.

Pennsylvania’s Ignition Interlock Law requires an individual convicted of a second or subsequent offense of driving under the influence to have an approved ignition interlock system installed on each motor vehicle they own, operate, or lease for one year before they are eligible to apply for an unrestricted driver’s license.

If your company has a fleet of vehicles or if employees use their own vehicles while on company business, please forward these cautionary guidelines. They can help to encourage safe driving behavior before one minute from normal.

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