Risks Ahead. WiFi Warning

Risks Ahead. Call KMRD

Risks Ahead. WiFi Warning

Wi-Fi hot spots can leave you, your colleagues your staff and your hard won information wide open to hackers. Once they penetrate your server, all of your information is vulnerable, making you liable for any damages a party may bring in a breach allegation. This makes transferring risk through cyber insurance a critical component of your company’s risk management program.  Here are some common sense tips:

  • Switch off sharing when using a public Wi-Fi network.free wifi
  • Don’t connect to any network called “Free Wi-Fi.”
  • If you are logging into a work network use a VPN.
  • Set all your websites to ‘HTTP secure’ before you log on.
  • Limit activities to anything not requiring a username and password to log in, including banking and shopping sites. Bear in mind most applications on your smartphone will auto login.

Please contact your KMRD relationship manager to detect any gaps in your company’s insurance coverage.

When there is risk ahead, you can count on KMRD Partners Risk and Insurance Solutions for a common sense approach to risk management and transference through insurance coverage.  KMRD Partners structured risk management process provides clients a competitive advantage, reducing their cost of risk while improving their operational efficiency.

Complete the form below if you would like to have a discussion regarding your internet related risks.

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