Domestic Travel Tips

KMRD Are You Ready for One Minute From Normal?

Domestic Travel Tips

Following are a few domestic travel tips as you prepare for summer vacation.  

Carry identification. Carry a card identifying your blood type, known allergies, required medications, insurance agency and name of person to contact in case of emergency in your wallet or purse.  

Stay one step ahead of thieves. Protect yourself against pickpockets by keeping your wallet in a side pocket. Be alert for distractions intentionally staged to set up a pickpocket, luggage theft, or purse snatch (especially when passing through an airport or train station).  

Lock your luggage. While luggage locks are not secure against a professional thief, they can be a deterrent if the thief is in a hurry. For luggage and briefcases with two combination locks, set the combinations on each lock to different numbers. For luggage with a single combination lock, set the lock on each piece of luggage with a different combination. (Of course, either memorize or keep a record of the combinations handy. Do not lock this record in your luggage or briefcase.)   Keep luggage within sight or touch. Position it against your leg and place a briefcase or a purse on the counter or desk in front of you, when checking in at the airport, renting a car or registering at a hotel. If possible, remain with your luggage until it is brought into the lobby or placed in the taxi or limo.  

Laptop security. Before leaving your laptop behind in a hotel room attach a locking security cable to the Universal Security Slot (USS) and wrap the cable around an immovable object. For laptops that do not have a USS (approximately 80% do), purchase adhesive connectors that mount directly to your laptop casing. Otherwise, bring it with you.  

At KMRD Partners our primary goal is to help protect our insureds’ assets by reducing the overall cost of risk.   KMRD reduces the overall cost of risk for clients by producing a greater value for each insurance dollar spent, while utilizing an enterprise risk management approach to engineer the optimal solution. The firm’s diagnostic process is supported by its unique collaborative technology, KMRD XCHANGE ®

We are dedicated to anticipating risk and helping firms recover from unplanned events that wait on the other side of one minute from normal.   To review your organization’s insurance coverage please contact your KMRD Partners relationship manager or e-mail us at before one minute from normal strikes.  

Please feel free to share this e-mail with anyone who may find it to be useful.  


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