Disaster Planning

Disaster Planning

Disaster Planning

Disaster planning is important for all businesses, but it may be even more important for small businesses. With limited resources to fall back upon, small businesses must have a plan in place before disaster strikes. David Paulison, former Executive Director of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, estimates that 40% – 60% of small businesses that are struck by disaster don’t return to business.

While engaging a disaster recovery service before disaster strikes is vitally important, having the proper insurance coverages in place is equally important. To a significant degree, these coverages will determine whether a company will be able to get back to normal.

In addition to having the proper coverages, the support offered by a company’s insurance provider is critical. The provider must be prepared in advance to offer the kind of knowledgeable, proactive support and infrastructure that can get affairs back to normal in a hurry.

KMRD Partners provides risk management consulting and property & casualty insurance to protect against potentially catastrophic losses that wait on the other side of one minute from normal.

Contact us at contactus@kmrdpartners.com before one minute from normal strikes your company, and we will identify and correct coverage and service gaps.


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