Caution – A tsunami of risk ahead

KMRD - Are You Ready For One Minute From Normal?

Caution – A tsunami of risk ahead

The Japanese earthquake and tsunami have served to remind us how quickly routine and order can be knocked violently aside one minute from normal. Even the Japanese people, who had prepared for this one minute from normal event with strict building codes and advanced warning systems, have been working feverishly to catch up with one catastrophe after another.

As risk managers, we have been reminded how great an adversary risk can be. Even with rigorous preparation, the Japanese people, economy and society have assumed an awful toll.

This reminder, though, has served only to increase our belief in the critical importance of risk management. Risk is an underlying menace to all human endeavor – from getting behind the wheel of a car to breaking ground for a new factory. And while risk can sometimes get ahead of us, we also have the power to anticipate it with informed decisions.

This outbreak of calamitous events has also reminded us how an insurance policy becomes much more than a certificate, or a bothersome cost of doing business, in the event of an insurable event. It can become the difference between an entity that has a future, and one that only has a past.

KMRD Partners provides risk management consulting and property & casualty insurance to protect against potentially catastrophic losses that wait on the other side of one minute from normal.  We are dedicated to anticipating risk, and helping firms to recover from unplanned events.

Contact us at before one minute from normal strikes your company, and we will identify and correct coverage and service gaps.


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