Food Recalls and Nanotechnology – Kevin McPoyle’s Article in The Insurance Journal

Food Recalls

Food Recalls and Nanotechnology – Kevin McPoyle’s Article in The Insurance Journal

In the June 20 issue of Insurance Journal Risks Ahead: Food Recalls and Nanotechnology KMRD Partners President Kevin McPoyle considers risks from food recalls and nanotechnology to food insureds.KevinMcPoyle

As noted by Kevin, “With litigation and recalls now commonplace, it is critical for food insureds to think through and plan for the “when” as opposed to the “if” of a product recall.”

Kevin also notes, “Nanotechnology is another growing risk for food companies.

For any company in the food industry, nanotechnology is uncharted territory for both the company and the FDA. What happens if someone gets sick from products incorporating nanotechnology? What about the growing population allergic to TiO2?”

Kevin offers this advice to food insureds: “A company can manage its risk profile by knowing how its marketing team is selling or suggesting labels for the company’s products. The company must also understand how to execute a product recall, determine how the company’s insurance carrier will respond and learn if there is a limitation to the use of nanotechnology on its recall policy before a product recall has occurred.”

Your trusted KMRD account representative can help food companies assess, mitigate and transfer these growing risks.

For more on Product Recall <Click Here>

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