Community Alert Systems

KMRD Are You Ready for One Minute From Normal?

Community Alert Systems

Both Montgomery and Bucks Counties in Pennsylvania established Community Alert Systems for local residents and employees. After signing up for this system, residents and employees receive alerts and notifications on their cell phones and e-mail regarding emergencies, severe weather, road closures and crime alerts. In addition, individuals who select the Health Alerts group will be notified of current health information such as the Swine Flu Influenza, West Nile Virus and other current local health issues.

If your business operates in these areas, we hope you will consider sharing news about these alert systems with your employees and clients. Not only will you contribute to your employees’ health and safety, you will also be positively affecting your firm’s risk profile.  For example, Ursinus College recently recommended their students and parents enroll in the Montgomery County system so they can be aware of any risks to their safety via text messages to their cell phones.

Bucks County, PA – You can register for the Alert System by<clicking here>

Montgomery County, PA – You can register by <clicking here>

If you are outside these areas, we recommend you search the internet or inquire directly with your municipality about whether similar systems are available in your area.

Local businesses can also consider adding links to registration pages to their websites. In addition to giving local residents another reason to visit your website, you will support the local community.

KMRD reduces the overall cost of risk for clients by producing a greater value for each insurance dollar spent, while utilizing an enterprise risk management approach to engineer the optimal solution. The firm’s diagnostic process is supported by its unique collaborative technology, KMRD XCHANGE ®

We are dedicated to anticipating risk and helping organizations recover from unplanned events that wait on the other side of one minute from normal.

To learn more about our insurance and risk management solutions, contact us at before one minute from normal strikes your organization.


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