Safe Foreign Travel Tips

Safe Foreign Travel Tips

As a traveler in both “friendly” and “unfriendly” countries, you will be more vulnerable than local citizens. No matter how many tourist guides you may have read, you are likely to be unfamiliar with the customs, people, language, neighborhoods, laws and judicial system of the country you are visiting. This can put you at a disadvantage. By understanding you have left your comfort zone, you will take the first step towards regarding your new surroundings with increased vigilance and caution.  

Pack your suitcase with clothes to blend in with local citizens to avoid attracting the attention of criminals. If you look like a tourist with a camera hanging around your neck, recognize you are presenting a target to those who prey on tourists. Be alert and on your guard.   Avoid the appearance of wealth. Consider leaving jewelry at home. If you choose to wear jewelry, turn rings around to “hide” the jewels. Don’t wear dangling earrings, which are easily snatched. Many people in poorer countries have the misconception that all Americans are wealthy. Avoid the stereotype.  

Prepare yourself for all eventualities prior to leaving for your trip. Make copies of your passport, air tickets, credit cards and any other documents to facilitate reporting loss and replacing them. Include your name, phone number, and full street address on luggage tags. Do not use a business card or display company logos on your luggage. When traveling overseas, privacy is the best policy.  

Always remember, safe travel is a necessary requirement for an enjoyable, rewarding trip. 

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