Could your business be lost in 10 days?

KMRD Are You Ready for One Minute From Normal?

Could your business be lost in 10 days?

Following a summer of meteorological mayhem, peaceful tranquility has finally broken out. As I write this the temperature is a comfortable 82 degrees, and the wind is blowing SW at 10 mph. And yet, in towns throughout the Middle Atlantic and New England states, it is far from peaceful as business owners continue their efforts to return to normal following recent flooding.  Many, it seems, never expected to have an event of this magnitude impact them personally and professionally.  Sadly, because of this expectation, many do not have the coverage and support to recover.

While insurance coverage may not be the first line of defense prior to earthquakes and flooding, it is and should be the next line of defense following the event. Business Insider reports a small business probably won’t survive if it does not resume operations within 10 days following a natural disaster.  Without the right coverage and the associated access to funds to get your operations back to normal, there is little hope of survival.  80% of companies who struggle to re-open fail within a month.

43% will never reopen their doors; ever.

At KMRD Partners, we realize quick action is crucial for a company to return from one minute from normal. We also realize there is no speed available to recover from incorrect or insufficient coverages.  Based on statistics, bad coverage is frequently a death sentence for a business suffering from a catastrophic loss.  Our job and our passion is to find you and help you improve your cost of risk and risk management program before it is too late.

KMRD Partners provides effective risk management consulting and property & casualty insurance to protect against potentially catastrophic losses that wait on the other side of one minute from normal.  We are dedicated to anticipating risk and helping firms recover from unplanned events.

To identify and correct coverage and service gaps in your insurance contact us at before one minute from normal strikes your company.


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