Cyber Insurance Coverage – Beware Public Wi-Fi Risks

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Cyber Insurance Coverage – Beware Public Wi-Fi Risks

Features which make free public Wi-Fi hotspots desirable for honest citizens also make them appealing to hackers; namely, they require no authentication to establish a network connection. This enables hackers to obtain easy access to unsecured devices on the same network.

The biggest threat to security on a public Wi-Fi network is the hacker’s ability to position himself between the user and the connection point. Instead of talking directly with the hotspot, the user sends his information to the hacker, who then relays it on. This provides the hacker with access to every piece of information the user is transmitting on the Internet, including confidential emails, credit card information and even security credentials to his business network. Once the hacker has the information, he can access the user’s systems as if he were the user.

Because the majority of hackers pursue easy targets, taking a few precautions could help to keep your information safe. Task your IT department with publishing a protocol for all public Wi-Fi users.  Because no protocol will generate 100% security, please contact your KMRD relationship manager to review your cyber insurance coverage.

To identify and correct coverage and service gaps in your insurance coverage contact us at before one minute from normal strikes.

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