Temp Service Agency Risk & Insurance Issues – Part 2

Temp Service Agency Risk & Insurance Issues – Part 2

At our website www.oneminutefromnormal.com we ask visitors the question: What if an unscheduled event suddenly seizes control of your business? Are you ready?

Following are additional risk and insurance considerations that can come from hiring temp workers:

  1. Auto – Auto risks are not just limited to a temporary employee driving on an organization’s behalf, but also to incidents that may occur while the employee is driving on the premises/parking lot.  If an accident occurs and the organization is charged in a lawsuit due to the temporary employee’s negligence, it is advisable to confirm the presence of insurance coverage (other than yours) that can be triggered to protect your interests.
  2. Theft – A temporary employee’s theft of money or inventory is an exposure that is insurable as part of a commercial crime program with legal liability coverage.
  3. Professional Liability – A temporary employee providing professional services may make an error or omission causing economic damages.  If applicable, we recommend requiring the temp agency to insure its professionals’ work.

The key to the success of a contractual risk transfer strategy is to make sure there is an insurance program behind it to protect your interests.  Your KMRD Partners relationship manager will review your coverage to make sure your interests are being protected.

At KMRD Partners, we realize expertise in assessing and transferring risk through proper insurance coverage is only part of what it takes to properly service our insureds. We also support them with experienced, knowledgeable claims management professionals who act as their advocates following one minute from normal.

KMRD reduces the overall cost of risk for clients by producing a greater value for each insurance dollar spent, while utilizing an enterprise risk management approach to engineer the optimal solution. The firm’s diagnostic process is supported by its unique collaborative technology, KMRD XCHANGE ®

We are dedicated to anticipating risk and helping firms recover from unplanned events that wait on the other side of one minute from normal.

To review your organization’s insurance coverage please contact your KMRD Partners relationship manager or e-mail us at contactus@kmrdpartners.com before one minute from normal strikes.


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