Award Winning Insurance Companies; KMRD Partners Receives Another Regional Award

Award Winning Insurance Companies

KMRD Partners wins prestigious regional award for the second consecutive year. KMRD was one of 43 companies to receive the honor.

KMRD is earning it’s place as one of the Mid-Atlantic region’s award winning insurance companies. This latest award was the Blue Hen 17&43 (for Fastest Growing Company). The award and ranking was based on innovativeness, milestone accomplishments, current and future revenues, job creation, and social impact.

Recognizing successful ventures, the Blue Hen 17&43 Awards builds on University of Delaware’s long tradition of leadership, innovation and entrepreneurship by honoring the 17 most promising new ventures and 43 fastest growing companies founded, owned or led by its students and alumni. The prestigious recognition is a collaboration of the university’s Horn Entrepreneurship and Alfred Lerner College of Business & Economics.

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