Risks Ahead. Life Insurance Could be Good for your Health

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Risks Ahead. Life Insurance Could be Good for your Health.

Although a survey fielded by John Hancock shows both Gen Xers and Baby Boomers don’t feel ready for retirement, it seems life insurance can be good for their health!

  1. 53% of respondents do not feel prepared for their financial futures.
  2. However, 73% of respondents report having life insurance would help boost confidence about their futures.
  3. 65% go on to claim having life insurance would reduce overall stress levels.

 When there is risk ahead, you can count on KMRD Partners Risk and Insurance Solutions for a common sense approach to risk management and transference through insurance coverage.  KMRD Partners structured risk management process provides clients a competitive advantage, reducing their cost of risk while improving their operational efficiency.

For more risk related tidbits, click here.

Please contact your KMRD Partners relationship manager or e-mail us at contactus@kmrdpartners.com to review your insurance policies before one minute from normal strikes.


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