Why Your Food Business Income Policy Needs to Cover Contamination

business income policy

If you own or manage a food service business or run a food cart, concession or a catering business you might want to consider the following information about your business income policy:

While your General Liability policy will pay if a customer gets sick and files suit for damages and doctor’s bills, it will not respond to decreased sales resulting from that outbreak. Business income policy coverage – sometimes also called sometimes called business interruption coverage – will only be provided by a business income policy specifically written to cover contaminated food and beverages.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates one-in-six Americans get sick each year from contaminated food or beverages.

KMRD is dedicated to risk control management and helping firms recover from unplanned events. Our risk experts have experience in the food industry, and we understand the intricacies and potential risks and requirements facing food processors.

Contact us below to have one of our food insurance experts help you with business income policy.

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