KMRD Partners Wins Award Honoring Ethics in the Workplace

KMRD Partners, a leading provider of risk management, insurance, and human capital solutions, wins 2017 Societas Award for responsible corporate conduct.

WARRINGTON, PA, February 09, 2017 — KMRD Partners, Inc. (KMRD) is pleased to announce that it has been selected as the Small Company winner of the 2017 Societas Award for Responsible Corporate Conduct.

Presented by DeSales University’s Forum for Ethics in the Workplace, the Societas Award recognizes companies that demonstrate responsible corporate conduct through legal compliance, corporate and individual accountability, commitment to stakeholders, and social responsibility.

“This is an incredible honor for KMRD,” said Co-Founder & Principal, Bob Dietzel. “Since our firm was founded more than a decade ago, high ethical standards have been central to the way we do business and how we build relationships with our clients.”

Kevin McPoyle, President added; “This high achievement is a testament to our dedicated and hard working people inside KMRD, and I believe it speaks directly to our unique culture and the high quality talent we are able to draw into our firm.”

To be considered for the award, companies submit detailed information about their operations that addresses recognized elements of ethical business practices, such as accountability in all levels of the organization, strong compliance systems, and corporate citizenship.

BerkOne of Bethlehem received the Large Company award, Concannon Miller of Bethlehem was selected as the Mid-size Company recipient.

The DeSales University news story can be found at:

The DeSales University press release is available for PDF download.

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