Cyber Risks Ahead. Are you covered?

Did you know?

According to the recently published 5th annual Allianz Risk Barometer, this is the first year risk experts cited cyber incidents as being among their top three risks.  As reported by Independent Agent magazine, 69% of risk experts indicated loss of reputation as being the main cause of economic loss after a cyber incident.  It is joined by business interruption – 60% — and liability claims – 52% — as being key risks following a data breach.

As related by 49% of respondents, business owners don’t fully understand their cyber exposures.  For help understanding your firm’s cyber exposures, please contact your trusted KMRD Partners relationship manager.

For more on Cyber Risks, click here

KMRD risk professionals provide customized risk management consulting solutions to help reduce risks and associated costs associated with cyber incidents. We can work with you to develop a deeper understanding of your business vulnerabilities and exposures, and together we can protect your assets and minimize risk across your organization.

Please contact your KMRD Partners relationship manager or e-mail us at to review your organization’s occupational safety and health initiatives before one minute from normal strikes.


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