2015 Feed My Starving Children Event Was A Great Success!

KMRD Cares


From Kevin McPoyle…

My heart is full!

We successfully completed the Feed My Starving Children Mobilepack event due to your incredible generosity in spirit, finance and people.  By supporting us, we were able to concentrate on the real reason we came together; to save kids and change hearts.  I hope each of your teams came away with a positive outlook and a “full” tank.  I can never fully describe my personal appreciation for what your help and support means to this event.  Whatever I might offer you and say is simply insufficient.

Wayne challenged me to increase the number of meals from 300,000 to 336,000.  While my wife may disagree when I say I take direction well, I’m glad I did in this instance.  We finished the weekend with 357,696 meals packed which means we give the opportunity of life to 980 children not 920!

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Please share this result with everyone you can.  It’s a testament to this community and a testament to the spirit and generosity of our region.

We will be back at it next year with another event, with a bigger goal and more folks to share the load you all have so nobly carried for these kids.

One final note; please congratulate Wayne and Jean Shafer for winning the Corporate Challenge for 2015.  CPS packed an incredible 118 boxes on Saturday (a 29.5 box average /shift) and could have done more if we hadn’t run short of boxes or had an electrical glitch at their table!!  WELL DONE!

Simply and respectfully…thank you.


Kevin M. McPoyle, CIC

KMRD Partners, Inc.
Phone: 267-482-8331
Cell:  215-802-0595
E-mail: kmcpoyle@kmrdpartners.com
Website:  http://www.kmrdpartners.com
A veteran owned business / Jer 29:11-13




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