Risks Ahead. Did you know?… Catastrophe risk

Risks Ahead. Call KMRD

 Risks Ahead. Did you know?…Catastrophe risk

“The frequency of catastrophic events appears to be increasing, with a record number of catastrophes last year,” according to Swiss Re’s chief economist.

1. A record 189 natural catastrophes were recorded in 2014.
2. The most costly insured catastrophe loss in 2014 came from lightning and hailstorms in the United States in May, resulting in insured losses of $2.9 billion. Many towns in Pennsylvania were hard hit
3. California’s South Napa earthquake in August 2014 caused structural and inventory damage of about $700 million.

Does your firm have the right amount of business interruption coverage?

When there is risk ahead, you can count on KMRD Partners Risk and Insurance Solutions for a common sense approach to risk management and transference through insurance coverage. KMRD Partners structured risk management process provides clients a competitive advantage, reducing their cost of risk while improving their operational efficiency.

Please contact your KMRD Partners relationship manager or e-mail us at contactus@kmrdpartners.com to review your organization’s workers compensation coverage and drug testing policy before one minute from normal strikes.

Need to deliver better risk management results for your company? Schedule a brief demo of our risk management system KMRD XCHANGE ®.


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