Bob Dietzel published in – “Advise Clients About 4 Kinds of Second-Hand Risk”

Bob Dietzel published in – “Advise Clients About 4 Kinds of Second-Hand Risk”

Bob Dietzel, co-founder and Managing Partner of  KMRD Partners was published in

“Those of us who are committed to supporting organizational risk management know fully and by example that not all risks are under the insured’s immediate control.   Agents and underwriters owe it to their clients to communicate the benefits of coverage for contingent events–second-hand risk.

To read the article – <CLICK HERE>

About KMRD Partners, Inc. – KMRD Partners, Inc. is a risk management consultant and insurance broker headquartered in the Philadelphia region.  Their mission statement, “Making a difference by Managing the Cost of Risk”, is a unique approach that focuses not just on insurance placement, but coverage expertise, service accountability, client.


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