Workplace Safety Committees in Pennsylvania

Workplace Safety Committees in Pennsylvania

Following the second workers’ compensation rate reduction in a row for Pennsylvania businesses, Labor & Industry Secretary Julia Hearthway credited state-certified workplace safety committees with “encouraging a safe workplace and a productive workforce.” According to Secretary Hearthway, “More than 10,000 state-certified workplace safety committees have been established, protecting more than 1.3 million workers and saving employers close to $500 million in workers’ compensation premiums.” To learn how your company can establish a state-certified workplace safety committee, <click here>

After six months of operation, participating companies can submit a committee certification application to the Pennsylvania Bureau of Workers’ Compensation. Upon certification, the bureau will provide a written notification to be submitted to the applicant’s insurance carrier.

Upon certification, a 5% discount will be applied at the next Workers’ Compensation policy renewal date. This discount will remain in effect each year a renewal application is submitted, and for as long as the company continues to follow the state’s workplace safety committee requirements and regulations.  Your broker should make you aware however, there are other pricing tools available to carrier underwriters to offset this credit. 

Regardless of the actual impact on insurance pricing, a certified safety committee benefits companies both internally and externally.  The National Safety Council estimates that for every $1 of direct costs (medical and workers’ compensation) attributable to a lost-time injury, an additional 400% – 800% of that amount is spent on indirect costs including lost or spoiled production, damaged equipment, worker retraining and accident investigation. Carriers and clients want to do business with those with a real documented commitment to safety.

The certification process can be a difficult process without the support of experts.  The State rejects many applications for a lack of completion and for missing documentation or other flaws.  You will benefit from having the support of someone knowledgeable regarding the pitfalls of the application process.

At KMRD Partners, we realize expertise in assessing and transferring risk through proper insurance coverage is only part of what it takes to properly service our insureds. We also support them with experienced, knowledgeable claims management professionals who act as their advocates following one minute from normal. KMRD reduces the overall cost of risk for clients by producing a greater value for each insurance dollar spent, while utilizing an enterprise risk management approach to engineer the optimal solution.

The firm’s diagnostic process is supported by its unique collaborative technology, KMRD XCHANGE ® We are dedicated to anticipating risk and helping firms recover from unplanned events that wait on the other side of one minute from normal.

To review your organization’s insurance coverage please contact your KMRD Partners relationship manager or e-mail us at before one minute from normal strikes.

Complete the form below if you are looking for templates, agenda’s etc., to start up your safety committee.

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