Feed My Starving Children: MobilePack 2016 was a Huge Success!

KMRD Cares

Feed My Starving Children: MobilePack 2016 was a Great Success!

KMRD was a recently a participant and Corporate Sponsor for the 2016 Central Bucks MobilePack!  Kevin McPoyle served as the primary event organizer ably assisted by KMRD’s Office Manager, Lisa Pascoe.  Kevin mentioned, “ I am so incredibly grateful to so many people for their enthusiasm, their faith in me to pull this off and for their support in coming alongside me to help.”   Employees, friends and family members participated in the Corporate Challenge on Saturday for some good natured competition among businesses in the area to pack the most meals.

This is the 4th annual event supported by KMRD and McPoyle.  It is support of Feed My Starving Children, a 501(c) 3 with the express mission of ending world hunger.  This was the largest community event thus far.  It required over 2,600 volunteers over 3 days.  In 22 hours of sweat equity (11 two hour shifts) volunteers from businesses, clubs, churches and other groups packed 544,291 meals.  This is enough food to feed 1,491 starving, malnourished children a hot meal every day for a year.  The food also represents a current and critical need as a result of the catastrophe resulting from Hurricane Matthew’s path through the Caribbean basin.  Finally, 1,032 lbs of food was also collected to restock local food pantries!

While we are progressing in our fundraising efforts, we are still looking for donations. Each meal costs $0.22. Any and all donations help us get a step closer to reaching our goal and feeding another child.

For more information about Feed My Starving Children and to help us meet our fundraising goal:

Donate Here

Short Video From the Day

Contact MobilePack Coordinator, Kevin McPoyle, at:





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