Feed My Starving Children: MobilePack 2015

KMRD Cares

Feed My Starving Children: MobilePack 2015



 Please join KMRD Partners in an effort to save lives! We are hosting a 2 day weekend event on Saturday, September 26th and Sunday, September 27th, 2015 at Delaware Valley University. Our goal is to pack over 336,000 meals to be distributed to hungry children all over the world.

Anyone from 8 to 80 years of age can participate! There is a job for everyone.

On Saturday, September 26th, the 2nd annual Corporate Challenge will take place. This is an opportunity for your organization to compete against other local organizations, including KMRD, to see who can pack the most meals by the end of the day.

Sunday, September 27th is open to the community and anyone who wants to donate their time and effort! Each shift is 2 hours long. Come with your family, friends, team, group, etc. to see how many meals you can pack.

While we are progressing in our fundraising efforts, we are still looking for donations. Each meal costs $0.22. Any and all donations help us get a step closer to reaching our goal and feeding another child.

For more information about Feed My Starving Children and this year’s event, see our event page:

Join Us

Contact MobilePack Coordinator, Kevin McPoyle, at:





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